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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Interactions of people with each-other

Interactions that enable the people in a country to interact with each other without any threats, violence, or need to seek out other lands for their need to interact with each other, contribute to the liveability of our planet.

Interactions of people that are hospitable, inclusive, welcoming, participative, and non-violent, increase the Investment of the country to making our planet liveable. Interactions that are the opposite of these, decrease the Investment of a country to making our planet liveable. When people find interactions that are hospitable, inclusive, welcoming, participative, and non-violent in their own country, they do not need to find refuge in other lands.

The more the proportion of people in a country that do not have to meet their needs for interaction in other lands, the more the country contributes to the liveability of our planet.

The interactions of people with each other may change in the short term due to actions, of the people that are driven by fashions, fads, or strong examples. Or they may be the result of policies framed by their administrators, representatives, or leaders. Or they may be the result of the culture of the people that defines their way of living.

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

Interactions of people with other species

Different species - animals, plants, and microbes - play a critical role in making our planet liveable. Like the organs in our body that play a role in maintaining conditions that ensure liveability, these species maintain conditions that keep our planet liveable. It is important, therefore, that they are able to occupy their niche that allows them to contribute to the liveability of our planet. The less the space other species can occupy, the less likely they can play their role to keep our planet liveable. Interactions of people with other species, therefore, that leave space for the other species - and show restraint from occupying all the land, air, and water in their country - contribute to the liveability of our planet.

The more the space that a country leaves for other species, the more it contributes to the liveability of our planet.

The interactions of people with other species may change in the short term due to actions, of the people that are driven by fashions, fads, or strong examples. Or they may be the result of policies framed by their administrators, representatives, or leaders. Or they may be the result of the culture of the people that defines their way of living.

Photo by Matt Newton Unsplash

Interactions of people with ecosystems

Ecosystems provide niches for life to thrive, create conditions for liveability, and to ensure that our planet is habitable. When different species interact with ecosystems, their care or aggression result in changing the ability of the ecosystem to regenerate. The more the intensity of activity of a species, the less the ability of the ecosystem to restore and regenerate. The less the intensity of activity of a species, the more the ability of the ecosystem to restore and regenerate.

Interactions of people with ecosystems that show restraint and reduce the aggression caused by exploitation, encroachment, and pollution on every unit of land,while conducting their activities, therefore, contribute to the liveability of our planet.

The less the exploitation, encroachment, or pollution per unit of land in a country, the more it contributes to the liveability of our planet.

The interactions of people with ecosystems may change in the short term due to actions, of the people that are driven by fashions, fads, or strong examples. Or they may be the result of policies framed by their administrators, representatives, or leaders. Or they may be the result of the culture of the people that defines their way of living.

Photo by Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash

Interactions of people with human designed systems

People in each country create organizations to ensure they can live peaceful and healthy lives, ensure inclusion, and ensure performance. The better their interactions with these organizations the longer they are able to live - hopefully ensuring peace, fairness, dignity, health, purpose, and fulfillment.

The interactions of people with the systems and organizations that they have created to provide them to live long, peaceful. and healthy lives, ensure inclusion, and performance - their governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations, therefore, contribute to the liveability of our planet.

The actions, policies, and culture that improve the access and quality of food, health, education, economy, security, dignity, and fairness, improves the Investments it makes to the liveability of our planet.

The interactions of people with their organizations may change in the short term due to actions, of the people that are driven by fashions, fads, or strong examples. Or they may be the result of policies framed by their administrators, representatives, or leaders. Or they may be the result of the culture of the people that defines their way of living.